Why focus on Privacy?


Worldwide, there’s a major privacy movement based on concerns around data misuse by a wide range of companies.  It seems there isn’t a week that goes by without some privacy scandal.  Without customer trust you don’t have a business.  Good privacy practise is one of the key expectations your customers will have.  New Zealand is in the process of amending its current Privacy Act, which will also drive a lot of changes.  Change is coming, so preparing for it is good sense. 


Law firms can tell you about what your legal obligations are, but not how to comply with them in your environment, day to day. That’s where we come in.  We have long experience working collaboratively across many disciplines to interpret legal obligations in the context of how your business works and come up with solutions that work for the business.  We can work with your people to determine where you’re at, discuss any improvements, and come up with a plan to address them.  We can also help with the practical ‘doing’- the drafting, the training, the specifications.  It’s really up to you and what you’re trying to achieve.